
class powerbox.powerbox.LogNormalPowerBox(*args, **kwargs)[source]

A subclass of PowerBox which calculates Log-Normal density fields with given power spectra.

See the documentation of PowerBox for a detailed explanation of the arguments, as this class has exactly the same arguments.

This class calculates an (over-)density field of arbitrary dimension given an input isotropic power spectrum. In this case, the field has a log-normal distribution of over-densities, always yielding a physically valid field.


To create a log-normal over-density field:

>>> from powerbox import LogNormalPowerBox
>>> lnpb = LogNormalPowerBox(100,lambda k : k**-7./5.,dim=2, boxlength=1.0)
>>> overdensities = lnpb.delta_x
>>> grid = lnpb.x
>>> radii = lnpb.r

To plot the overdensities:

>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> plt.imshow(pb.delta_x)

Compare the fields from a Gaussian and Lognormal realisation with the same power:

>>> lnpb = LogNormalPowerBox(300,lambda k : k**-7./5.,dim=2, boxlength=1.0)
>>> pb = PowerBox(300,lambda k : k**-7./5.,dim=2, boxlength=1.0)
>>> fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(12,5))
>>> ax[0].imshow(lnpb.delta_x,aspect="equal",vmin=-1,vmax=lnpb.delta_x.max())
>>> ax[1].imshow(pb.delta_x,aspect="equal",vmin=-1,vmax = lnpb.delta_x.max())

To create and plot a discrete version of the field:

>>> positions = lnpb.create_discrete_sample(nbar=1000.0, # Number density in terms of boxlength units
>>>                                         randomise_in_cell=True)
>>> plt.scatter(positions[:,0],positions[:,1],s=2,alpha=0.5,lw=0)


__init__(*args, **kwargs) x.__init__(…) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
correlation_array() The correlation function from the input power, on the grid
create_discrete_sample(nbar[, …]) Assuming that the real-space signal represents an over-density with respect to some mean, create a sample of tracers of the underlying density distribution.
delta_k() A realisation of the delta_k, i.e.
delta_x() The real-space over-density field, from the input power spectrum
gauss_hermitian() A random array which has Gaussian magnitudes and Hermitian symmetry
gaussian_correlation_array() The correlation function required for a Gaussian field to produce the input power on a lognormal field
gaussian_power_array() The power spectrum required for a Gaussian field to produce the input power on a lognormal field
k() The entire grid of wavenumber magitudes
power_array() The Power Spectrum (volume normalised) at self.k


kvec The vector of wavenumbers along a side
r The radial position of every point in the grid
x The co-ordinates of the grid along a side