Source code for powerbox.powerbox

A module defining two classes which can create arbitrary-dimensional fields with given power spectra. One such function
produces *Gaussian* fields, and the other *LogNormal* fields.

In principle, these may be extended to other 1-point density distributions by subclassing :class:`PowerBox` and
over-writing the same methods as are over-written in :class:`LogNormalPowerBox`.

import numpy as np
from . import dft
from .tools import _magnitude_grid

    from multiprocessing import cpu_count

    THREADS = cpu_count()

    from pyfftw import empty_aligned as empty

    HAVE_FFTW = True
except ImportError:
    empty = np.empty
    HAVE_FFTW = False

# TODO: add hankel-transform version of LogNormal

def _make_hermitian(mag, pha):
    Take random arrays and convert them to a complex hermitian array.

    Note that this assumes that mag is distributed normally.

    mag : array
        Normally-distributed magnitudes of the complex vector.

    pha : array
        Uniformly distributed phases of the complex vector

    kspace : array
        A complex hermitian array with normally distributed amplitudes.
    revidx = (slice(None, None, -1),) * len(mag.shape)
    mag = (mag + mag[revidx]) / np.sqrt(2)
    pha = (pha - pha[revidx]) / 2 + np.pi
    return mag * (np.cos(pha) + 1j * np.sin(pha))

[docs]class PowerBox(object): r""" Calculate real- and fourier-space Gaussian fields generated with a given power spectrum. Parameters ---------- N : int Number of grid-points on a side for the resulting box (equivalently, number of wavenumbers to use). pk : callable A callable of a single (vector) variable `k`, which is the isotropic power spectrum. The relationship of the `k` of which this is a function to the real-space co-ordinates, `x`, is determined by the parameters ``a,b``. dim : int, default 2 Number of dimensions of resulting box. boxlength : float, default 1.0 Length of the final signal on a side. This may have arbitrary units, so long as `pk` is a function of a variable which has the inverse units. ensure_physical : bool, optional Interpreting the power spectrum as a spectrum of density fluctuations, the minimum physical value of the real-space field, :meth:`delta_x`, is -1. With ``ensure_physical`` set to ``True``, :meth:`delta_x` is clipped to return values >-1. If this is happening a lot, consider using :class:`LogNormalPowerBox`. a,b : float, optional These define the Fourier convention used. See :mod:`powerbox.dft` for details. The defaults define the standard usage in *cosmology* (for example, as defined in Cosmological Physics, Peacock, 1999, pg. 496.). Standard numerical usage (eg. numpy) is (a,b) = (0,2pi). vol_normalised_power : bool, optional Whether the input power spectrum, ``pk``, is volume-weighted. Default True because of standard cosmological usage. seed: int, optional A random seed to define the initial conditions. If not set, it will remain random, and each call to eg. :meth:`delta_x()` will produce a *different* realisation. Notes ----- A number of conventions need to be listed. The conventions of using `x` for "real-space" and `k` for "fourier space" arise from cosmology, but this does not affect anything -- `x` could just as well stand for "time domain" and `k` for "frequency domain". The important convention is the relationship between `x` and `k`, or in other words, whether `k` is interpreted as an angular frequency or ordinary frequency. By default, because of cosmological conventions, `k` is an angular frequency, so that the fourier transform integrand is delta_k*exp(-ikx). The conventions can be changed arbitrarily by setting the ``a,b`` parameters (see :mod:`powerbox.dft` for details). The primary quantity of interest is :meth:`delta_x`, which is a zero-mean Gaussian field with a power spectrum equivalent to that which was input. Being zero-mean enables its direct interpretation as an overdensity field, and this interpretation is enforced in the :meth:`make_discrete_sample` method. .. note:: None of the n-dimensional arrays that are created within the class are stored, due to the inefficiency in memory consumption that this would imply. Thus, each large array is created and *returned* by their respective method, to be stored/discarded by the user. .. warning:: Due to the above note, repeated calls to eg. :meth:`delta_x()` will produce *different* realisations of the real-space field, unless the `seed` parameter is set in the constructor. Examples -------- To create a 3-dimensional box of gaussian over-densities, gridded into 100 bins, with cosmological conventions, and a power-law power spectrum, simply use >>> pb = PowerBox(100,lambda k : 0.1*k**-3., dim=3, boxlength=100.0) >>> overdensities = pb.delta_x() >>> grid = pb.x >>> radii = pb.r To create a 2D turbulence structure, with arbitrary units, once can use >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> pb = PowerBox(1000, lambda k : k**-7./5.) >>> plt.imshow(pb.delta_x()) """ def __init__(self, N, pk, dim=2, boxlength=1.0, ensure_physical=False, a=1., b=1., vol_normalised_power=True, seed=None): self.N = N self.dim = dim self.boxlength = boxlength self.L = boxlength self.fourier_a = a self.fourier_b = b self.vol_normalised_power = vol_normalised_power self.V = self.boxlength ** self.dim if self.vol_normalised_power: = lambda k: pk(k) / self.V else: = pk self.ensure_physical = ensure_physical self.Ntot = self.N ** self.dim self.seed = seed if N % 2 == 0: self._even = True else: self._even = False self.n = N + 1 if self._even else N # Get the grid-size for the final real-space box. self.dx = float(boxlength) / N
[docs] def k(self): "The entire grid of wavenumber magitudes" return _magnitude_grid(self.kvec, self.dim)
@property def kvec(self): "The vector of wavenumbers along a side" return dft.fftfreq(self.N, d=self.dx, b=self.fourier_b) @property def r(self): "The radial position of every point in the grid" return _magnitude_grid(self.x, self.dim) @property def x(self): "The co-ordinates of the grid along a side" return np.arange(-self.boxlength / 2, self.boxlength / 2, self.dx)[:self.N]
[docs] def gauss_hermitian(self): "A random array which has Gaussian magnitudes and Hermitian symmetry" if self.seed: np.random.seed(self.seed) mag = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=[self.n] * self.dim) pha = 2 * np.pi * np.random.uniform(size=[self.n] * self.dim) dk = _make_hermitian(mag, pha) if self._even: cutidx = (slice(None, -1),) * self.dim dk = dk[cutidx] return dk
[docs] def power_array(self): "The Power Spectrum (volume normalised) at `self.k`" k = self.k() mask = k != 0 # Re-use the k array to conserve memory k[mask] =[mask]) return k
[docs] def delta_k(self): "A realisation of the delta_k, i.e. the gaussianised square root of the power spectrum (i.e. the Fourier co-efficients)" p = self.power_array() if np.any(p < 0): raise ValueError("The power spectrum function has returned negative values.") gh = self.gauss_hermitian() gh[...] = np.sqrt(p) * gh return gh
[docs] def delta_x(self): "The realised field in real-space from the input power spectrum" # Here we multiply by V because the (inverse) fourier-transform of the (dimensionless) power has # units of 1/V and we require a unitless quantity for delta_x. dk = empty((self.N,) * self.dim, dtype='complex128') dk[...] = self.delta_k() dk[...] = self.V * dft.ifft(dk, L=self.boxlength, a=self.fourier_a, b=self.fourier_b)[0] dk = np.real(dk) if self.ensure_physical: np.clip(dk, -1, np.inf, dk) return dk
[docs] def create_discrete_sample(self, nbar, randomise_in_cell=True, min_at_zero=False, store_pos=False): r""" Assuming that the real-space signal represents an over-density with respect to some mean, create a sample of tracers of the underlying density distribution. Parameters ---------- nbar : float Mean tracer density within the box. randomise_in_cell : bool, optional Whether to randomise the positions of the tracers within the cells, or put them at the grid-points (more efficient). min_at_zero : bool, optional Whether to make the lower corner of the box at the origin, otherwise the centre of the box is at the origin. store_pos : bool, optional Whether to store the sample of tracers as an instance variable `tracer_positions`. Returns ------- tracer_positions : float, array_like ``(n, d)``-array, with ``n`` the number of tracers and ``d`` the number of dimensions. Each row represents a single tracer's co-ordinates. """ dx = self.delta_x() dx = (dx + 1) * self.dx ** self.dim * nbar n = dx self.n_per_cell = np.random.poisson(n) # Get all source positions args = [self.x] * self.dim X = np.meshgrid(*args) tracer_positions = np.array([x.flatten() for x in X]).T tracer_positions = tracer_positions.repeat(self.n_per_cell.flatten(), axis=0) if randomise_in_cell: tracer_positions += np.random.uniform(size=(np.sum(self.n_per_cell), self.dim)) * self.dx if min_at_zero: tracer_positions += self.boxlength / 2.0 if store_pos: self.tracer_positions = tracer_positions return tracer_positions
[docs]class LogNormalPowerBox(PowerBox): r""" Calculate Log-Normal density fields with given power spectra. See the documentation of :class:`PowerBox` for a detailed explanation of the arguments, as this class has exactly the same arguments. This class calculates an (over-)density field of arbitrary dimension given an input isotropic power spectrum. In this case, the field has a log-normal distribution of over-densities, always yielding a physically valid field. Examples -------- To create a log-normal over-density field: >>> from powerbox import LogNormalPowerBox >>> lnpb = LogNormalPowerBox(100,lambda k : k**-7./5.,dim=2, boxlength=1.0) >>> overdensities = lnpb.delta_x >>> grid = lnpb.x >>> radii = lnpb.r To plot the overdensities: >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> plt.imshow(pb.delta_x) Compare the fields from a Gaussian and Lognormal realisation with the same power: >>> lnpb = LogNormalPowerBox(300,lambda k : k**-7./5.,dim=2, boxlength=1.0) >>> pb = PowerBox(300,lambda k : k**-7./5.,dim=2, boxlength=1.0) >>> fig,ax = plt.subplots(2,1,sharex=True,sharey=True,figsize=(12,5)) >>> ax[0].imshow(lnpb.delta_x,aspect="equal",vmin=-1,vmax=lnpb.delta_x.max()) >>> ax[1].imshow(pb.delta_x,aspect="equal",vmin=-1,vmax = lnpb.delta_x.max()) To create and plot a discrete version of the field: >>> positions = lnpb.create_discrete_sample(nbar=1000.0, # Number density in terms of boxlength units >>> randomise_in_cell=True) >>> plt.scatter(positions[:,0],positions[:,1],s=2,alpha=0.5,lw=0) """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(LogNormalPowerBox, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def correlation_array(self): "The correlation function from the input power, on the grid" pa = empty((self.N,) * self.dim) pa[...] = self.power_array() return self.V * np.real(dft.ifft(pa, L=self.boxlength, a=self.fourier_a, b=self.fourier_b)[0])
[docs] def gaussian_correlation_array(self): "The correlation function required for a Gaussian field to produce the input power on a lognormal field" return np.log(1 + self.correlation_array())
[docs] def gaussian_power_array(self): "The power spectrum required for a Gaussian field to produce the input power on a lognormal field" gca = empty((self.N,) * self.dim) gca[...] = self.gaussian_correlation_array() gpa = np.abs(dft.fft(gca, L=self.boxlength, a=self.fourier_a, b=self.fourier_b))[0] gpa[self.k() == 0] = 0 return gpa
[docs] def delta_k(self): """ A realisation of the delta_k, i.e. the gaussianised square root of the unitless power spectrum (i.e. the Fourier co-efficients) """ p = self.gaussian_power_array() gh = self.gauss_hermitian() gh[...] = np.sqrt(p) * gh return gh
[docs] def delta_x(self): "The real-space over-density field, from the input power spectrum" dk = empty((self.N,) * self.dim, dtype='complex128') dk[...] = self.delta_k() dk[...] = np.sqrt(self.V) * dft.ifft(dk, L=self.boxlength, a=self.fourier_a, b=self.fourier_b)[0] dk = np.real(dk) sg = np.var(dk) return np.exp(dk - sg / 2) - 1